175 kilowatt Rooftop Solar System for Meridian School, Hyderabad, Telangana


Project Details:

Hyderabad, Telangana
September, 2021
175 Kilowatt
Estimated Savings Per Year:
Rs.19 lakhs
Estimated Payback:
3 years 4 months

About Meridian School’s 175 Kilowatt Rooftop Solar System

Meridian School is a prestigious school in Hyderabad, Telangana led by Mrs. Butta Renuka. Orb Energy installed a 175-kilowatt rooftop solar system, which has significantly reduced the school’s electricity expenses, generating savings of approximately INR 20 lakhs ($24,000 USD) annually. With an expected payback period of just three years, the installation has proven to be a sound financial investment.

Mrs. Renuka appreciated the professionalism of the Orb Energy team, and the high-quality services delivered throughout the project. The system also meets 80% of the power needs of the campus, and Mrs. Renuka also appreciate students understanding the power of sustainable energy.

Customer Pic

“Orb Energy’s solar system now meets 80% of our campus’ power needs, and our students can now directly learn about the power of solar for sustainability. I strongly advise all educational institutions to go for rooftop solar, and to select Orb as their solar provider.”

Butta Renuka
Founder, Ex Member of Parliament, Meridian School

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